Physician Assistants’ Advisory Committee

Alabama Board of Medical Examiners' rule 540-X-7-.30 establishes the Physician Assistants' Advisory Committee as a mechanism for the exchange of information between the Board and the physician assistants through their representative organization on issues related to physician assistant practice.

The Committee consists of four Alabama-licensed physicians, two of whom are members of the Board, and four physician assistants appointed by the Alabama Society of Physician Assistants.

The Committee reviews and recommends changes to the current rules for physician assistant practice; discusses and makes recommendations regarding changes to the scope of practice privileges of PAs; serves in an advisory role regarding issues related to license applications, practice agreements, disciplinary proceedings, and renewal requirements; and discusses issues of mutual concern regarding the education, utilization, and scope of practice of PAs.

Committee Meeting Minutes

January 2023


April 2023


August 2023


October 2023
